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Taking Notes

We Work toactualize ajust society

The UCLA Center on Race & Digital Justice exists as a nexus that grounds and inspires research, action, and care. We see our role as connective tissue in service of supporting and coordinating a shared purpose to cultivate change and sustain impact.

Race + Tech


Artificial Intelligence


Gender Equity


Economic Justice


Environmental Justice


Empowered Leaders


We believe in order to create sustainable, long-term societal change we have to create and provide the mechanisms of care to support the wellbeing of the whole person. Sustainable changemaking cannot be achieved without regard for all the needs of those in the work. 

Colored Space

Commitmentto Dreaming

CRDJ is committed to dreaming and actualizing a just society rooted in the restoration and expansion of civil, sovereign, and human rights.

we work to actualize a          society through



We conduct research, support under-represented scholars of color, and actively build the future of the field of critical data, information, and internet studies.


We support the work of community based organizations and provide expertise to inform International, federal, state, and local policy that foregrounds humanity over tech.


We believe long-term societal change requires us to support the physical, mental, and financial wellbeing and fill gaps that allow for participation of our network.


the work of others

We see our role as connective tissue in service

to supporting and uplifting others to cultivate a shared purpose and amplifying / sustain impact.

Our work is made possible by
the generosity of:

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